How to Share Your Gallery (Phone Storage)

If your photos are stored directly on your phone, you can use the Kidbook Uploader app to share your gallery.

Note: The app is not yet available on the App Store or Google Play.

How to Install the Kidbook Uploader App

  1. Send an email to with the following details:
    • Subject: Request for Kidbook Uploader App
      • Order number: [Your Order Number]
      • Mobile OS: iOS or Android
  2. We will provide you with installation instructions.
  3. Follow the steps in the email to install the app on your device.
  4. Once installed, open the app and follow the on-screen instructions to upload your photos.

Tip: Make sure to select the correct date range based on your Baby Book or Toddler Book requirements.

For any issues, feel free to contact us at!

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